Attended the Woodrose School PQF (Parent's Quarterly Forum) for my grade 2 daughter. Our class, 2-c, had the largest number of attendees. Interesting that we had to move to the function room and do our class profile briefing behind closed doors, while the two other sections conducted theirs in the auditorium. Just found out that our class was the most 'active'--can't seem to keep them seated or quiet. The other is that the teachers agreed among themselves that our class also was the most intelligent!
I could see the moms and dads puffing their chests with pride. Including me. Ms. F, our Grade 2-C homeroom teacher, said that the girls were quick to get the lessons. Of course, I'd like to use the tests and quizzes as the standard barometer, cause perception was arguable. Figures were more reliable.
At least, I can say that since my girl has been getting perfect scores in a number of her exams. And while doing so, she maintains a growing set of friends. I love the way she balances the life of the mind with the real world.
I think my daughter will definitely make it out there.